
ICMM Family Medicine conference in cooperation with NIH, November 13-17

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ICMM ngo in cooperation with NIH of Armenia organizes Family Medicine conference from November 13-17.

Ընտանեկան Բժշկության համագումար ԱԱԻ-ի հետ համատեղ, Նոյեմբեր 13-17

Participants will receive certificates with credits for participation. It starts every day from 2pm-6pm.

Conference takes place at National Institute of Health’s conference hall. Places are limited.

For registration, pls call NIH / 010235310

Programme for Family Doctor Conference . Yerevan Armenia

November 13th  to 17th  2017 4 hours a day


Facilitators/ Դասախոսներ:

(Dr Rosalind Simpson BM DRCOG DFSRH MRCGP Dip MedEd ED Retired GP Southampton UK.)

  ԴրՌոզ Սիմփսոն,Ընտանեկան բժիշկ, ՄԲ Սաուֆ Համփթոն, Բրայթոն Համալսարանի դասախոս, բազմաթիվ բժշկական համագումարների խոսնակ և ընտանեկան բժշկության զարգացման ծրագրերի ղեկավար

Dr Marian Griffiths, GP Ivy bridge UK/ Մարիան Գրիֆֆիթս, Իվի Բրիջ, ՄԲ, Ընտանեկան բժիշկ


Dr. Syuzanna Voskanyan (Family Doctor and Doctor of Kinesiotherapy, certificate Chiropractic training) , “ICMM” Ngo- President  and CEO/ Սյուզաննա Ոսկանյան ՝ ընտանեկան բժիշկ և կինեզիոթերապևտ, քայրոպրակտիսի վերապատրաստմամբ


Dr. Vahe Abrahamian, Doctor of Sport Medicine, Chiropractor, Master of Exercise Science- Owner of Basic clinic, Lebanon

Վահե Աբրահամյան՝ Սպորտային Բժշկության, Քայրոպրակտիսի բժիշկ,  մարմնամարզության գիտությունների մագիստրոս,սննդաբան – Չիկագոյի համալսարան, «Բեյզիկ Կլինիկայի» տնօրեն, Լիբանան

Dr. Vardges Avagyan (PhD in Neurorology)- Medical Director  of ‘Maple Leafs’ Armenian –Canadian clinic

Վարդգես Ավագյան, գիտությունների թեկնածու նյարդաուրոլոգիայում, Ուռոլոգ, «Մափլ Լիֆս» Հայ- կանադական կլինիկայի բժշկական գծով տնօրեն


Day 1:

Session 1: Dr Vahe Abrahamian, posture problems prevention.

Session 2: Dr Ros and Dr Marian. Exploring diagnosis and management of Metabolic Syndrome and Non Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease. 

Case discussions using demonstrations

Break 30 mins

Session 3: Dr Vardges: Urinary Tract Dysfunction.


Day 2:

Session 1: Dr Suzy. Low back pain, Scoliosis and Posture Correction, a practical session.

Session 2 Dr Ros. 1001 Critical days. A case discussion of a family whose child is not thriving. A Whole person approach.

Break 30 mins

Session 3: Dr Marian. Handling Emotions in the consultation.


Day 3:

Session 1: Dr Ros . Acute Kidney Injury.  Case study and developing guidelines to protect renal function in primary care.

Session 2: Dr Marian. Emergencies in General practice.

Break 30 mins

Session 3: Dr Ros Self Harm and Eating disorders.

Day 4 :

Session 1: Dr Vardges: Urinary Incontinence.

Session 2: Dr Ros / Dr Marian Polycystic Ovary Syndrome.

Break 30 mins

Session 3: Respiratory Topic


Day 5 :

Session 1 : Dr Ros: Planning end of life care in General practice.

Session 2: Dr Marian: Dealing with loss, Emotional Logic

Break 30 mins

Session 3: Dr Marian . Becoming a resilient doctor.

Programme Armenia 5 days teaching

Դասախոսությունները նոյեմբերի 13-17, ամեն օր ժամը 2։00-18։00

Session Day 1/ oր 1 Day2 / oր 2 Day 3/ օր 3 Day 4/ օր 4 Day 5/օր 5

70 րոպե

 Vahe Abrahamian

Posture problems and prevention

Կեցվածքային խնդիրները և կանխարգելումը

ԴրՎահե Աբրահամյան

Syuzanna Voskanyan and V. Abrahamyan

  Low back pain dif-diagnosis, Scoliosis  and treatment approaches

 Գոտկային հատվածի ցավերի տարբերակիչ ախտորոշումը, սկոլիոզ և բուժման


ԴրՍյուզաննա Ոսկանյան

Ros Simpson

Acute kidney Injury

Երիկամային սուր ախտահարման ժկ մոտեցում­ները ընտանեկան բժշկության մեջ

Ռոզ Սիմփսոն

Vardges Avagyan

Urinary Incontinence



Ros S Planning end of life care

 Պացիենտի Կյանքի վերջին շրջանի կառավարումը ընտանեկան բժշկի կողմից

Ռոզ Սիմփսոն


70 mins


 Metabolic syndrome/ NAFLD role play

Մետաբոլիկ ախտահարում և ոչ ճարպային հեպատոզ

Ռոզ Սիմփսոն

RS 1001 critical days , a case of failure to thrive

1001 կարևոր օրեր, ձախողման դեպք


Ռոզ Սիմփսոն

Marian G.

Emergencies in GP

Ընտանեկան բժշկության մեջ արտակարգ իրավիճակների կառավարումը


Ros S / Marien G PCOS

Role play/ դերախաղ

Ձվարանների պոլիկիստոզըի վարումը ընտանեկան բժշկության մեջ

Ռոզ Սիմփսոն

Marian G

Dealing with loss:

Emotional Logic

Կորստի ժամանակ հույզերի կառավարումը


Մարիան Գրֆին

Break 30 mins          

70 mins


Urinary Tract Dysfunction

Միզուղիների գործառույթի խանգարումները

ԴրՎարդգես Ավագյան



Emotional handling

Խորհրդատվության ժամանակ հույզերի կառավարումը

Մարիան Գրֆին


Self harm and Eating disorders

Ինքնավնասման և ուտելու հետ կապված խանգարումների կառավա­րումը ընտանե­կան բժշկի կողմից

Ռոզ Սիմփսոն


MG Respiratory topic

Շնչական խնդիրների կառավարումը ընտանեկան բժշկության մեջ


Մարիան Գրիֆին


A resilient GP

Դիմացկունության հատկանիշի ձևավորումը ընտանեկան բժշկի մոտ

Մարիան Գրիֆին

ICMM Dental Mission

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In September after agreeing with a dental clinic’s owner for the mission, ICMM  started dental care each Sunday. The mission purpose is to help patients with dental care.

The ones who can’t afford seeing dentists now can receive that care here.

Target group is: families with many members, Families who have disable or handicapped at home, and all poor patients.

We work with small team right now but already received proposals from other dentists and nurses to join the team when we need them.

Dr. Armine (the dentist) and Ajela are working with patients.

This moment we work on Sundays only because of not having clinic and  permanent place but we already make our steps to reach those patients.


ICMM Kinesiotherapy mission in cooperation with AASC & YSMU

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July 28- August 6


ICMM Kinesiotherapy mission in cooperation with AASC

We accomplished ICMM fifth mission in this year. This is  the third mission  related to musculo-skeletal system; first program in cooperation with Massiv hospital and US organization was  with Chiropractor, Dr. Mgirdichian from US and Occupational therapist, Merlin from Australia (with them we saw 100 patients  at ‘St. Gregor Lusavorich’ hospital), second was  Rehabilitology  with Dr. Noemi Garcia from Mexico and Key Christian, US (we saw disable patients at Canadian clinic and in 3 hospitals, and had  training program in cooperation with Health Ministry and YSMU with 28 scores accredited certificates  for participation, and now  Kinesiotherapy in Traumatology and Neurology,  which  included training program at Yerevan State Medical University for different Specialists; kinesiotherapists, orthopedicians, Neurologists, Sport Medicine Doctors, Traumatologists etc, and patients treatment at Armenian Canadian clinic and in 3 hospitals  by Dr. Nune Ter-Margaryan and visiting specialists of AASMC, Nick and Carlos.

Nick had a great passion to help our soldiers wounded during the war and teach physiotherapists how to rehabilitate them. He had brought tapes and equipment and other things for them donated by individuals and organizations from US.


In this mission, we our two specialists were  from US, Nick Tavoukjian who was strengthen conditioning specialist, Carlos Reo physiotherapist, and a German specialist, Beate Carrier who had 53 years of experience  almost in all fields of physiotherapy and was the author of many physiotherapy books and is called ‘The queen of the Swiss ball”.


Beate has been in the trainings of many physiotherapy professors, she dealt with almost most of the founders of physiotherapy and is the author of many teaching manuals and we saw patients together at the “Canadian Maple Leafs “ clinic, in kinesiotherapy room.


A great deal of help to organize this program with YSMU was given by the Head of Sport Medicine Department, Dr. Nune Ter- Margaryan who has also a passion to see our specialists well equipped with knowledge and skills, she has been leading the team at the hospitals for seeing and working with soldiers. Lectures took place at Yerevan State Medical University hall.



Almost 30 participants were present during training program who afterwards will receive the certificate of participation.


AASMC is a new organization founded by several people and one of them was Nick who visited us last year alone (when I was Medical Director of ARDA), and we  cooperated again with  YSMU Sport Medicine department, saw  many patients in the mornings and gave lectures from 2-6pm every day for 5 days, afterwards participants received certificates.

Lectures have been translated by Dr. Syuzanna to help the audience to understand the lectures easier and fully in Medical language. Nick, being an Armenian already had an experience how to  share his knowledge and skills best “Armenian way”, haha! Carlos spoke about Neurology problems and diagnostics with rehabilitology. All of them did their best!!!!


We agreed with AASMC, US to continue our cooperation for future kinesiotherapy mission programs.

This moment ICMM works on establishing MoU between YSMU and National Health Institute of Armenia for future cooperation in different fields of medicine as well.

Several volunteers of ICMM also helped during training by taking pictures and videos, by laying the table during break time and served us.


ICMM longs to establish big network of specialists in the field of Chiropractic, Physiotherapy, Kinesiotherapy, Occupational therapy, Rehabilitology and etc.

God’s willing, next mission will be Chiropractic and hope this time to have dr. Vahe Abrahamyan as our professor who is a Doctor of Sport Medicine, Doctor of Chiropractice, Master of Exercise science and strengthening condition, and a Christian Leader and a speaker.

At the end of the training we shared God’s word with the audience, spoke about God’s love and plans for our life,  sharing what we have in our hands and be a blessing for our country, I told that it was the Lord who put these charity programs in our hearts to reach the neediest and to improve the skills and knowledge of our specialists for providing high quality medical service to our patients. These programs led by ICMM are supported by Christians and God’s loving  people.

By this I would like to thank to all who prayed for us and ICMM supporters, Anne Bateliard’s  organization, ARDA,  Rumanien Hielfe, Joachim Bambach (for being all the time with us), AASMC members (Nick, Carlos and Beate and their supporters)  for cooperating with us in this mission and teaching our specialists and seeing patients, Canadian Clinic for giving a place, YSMU, Dr. Nune Ter- Margaryan and all volunteers who helped us. Of course, thanks to “St. Gregor Lusavorich hospital”, Dr. Mgirdichian, Dr. Noemi Garcia, Merlin and Kay Christian for other kinesiotherapy missions’ cooperation!





Our vision is big and God’s hand is not short to reach our needs and use His people for His plans!!!!

Now, we have many proposals for outreach missions as well, the day will come and God will use Armenia to reach other countries needy people!

God bless all whose hearts are open for His calling!


Report by Dr. Syuzanna Voskanyan

“International Christian Medical Mission” NGO


ICMM Kinesiotherapy mission

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Kinesiotherapy training at YSMU



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ICMM/YSMU Կինեզիոթերապիայի վերապատրաստման ծրագիր, հուլիս31- օգոստոս 4

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“ICMM”  in Cooperaton with YSMU and Armenian American Sport Association organizes 5 days training of specialists  at YSMU conference hall
