ICMM – “Միջազգային Քրիստոնեական Բժշկական Առաքելություն” ՀԿ 2021 գործունեություն

ICMM – “Միջազգային Քրիստոնեական Բժշկական Առաքելություն” ՀԿ 2021 գործունեություն

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2021 ICMM missions

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    ICMM 2021 Medical Missions

2020 war left Armenia with many homeless, wounded and more immigrant people. And until then we are trying to reach them medically and also spiritually (when  needed). In 2021 we had to enlarge our services not only needy people in Armenia but also wounded soldiers and their families, Immigrants of Artsakh people. War not only affected Armenians physically and financially but also psychologically and spiritually. After recent attack of Azerbaijan and Turkey Armenia got almost 10000 wounded people and the number of needy people was increased.

2021 through ICMM we were able to provide the following missions and services using our Medical skills, cooperation with clinics and donations:

    1. Rehabilitation and medical care for some of war wounded soldiers. After recovery some of them, they went back to their daily life and were able to work. More than 100 rehab procedures have been provided for them in the clinics: “Maple Leafs” Armenian-Canadian clinic and “Healthy Spine” clinic.

      Kinesiotherapy for strengthening


2. Free Medical services for poor and big families and needy people in Armenia


  Joint injections

Spine problems  treatment




4.Physiotherapy, rehab and scoliosis treatment .




Medicine help and Consultations: Some of patients were not able even to buy their medicine they needed for treatment. So we don’t only treated but also ordered their treatment medicine and gave them. ICMM helped also to some patients to pass MRI, CT scan or EEG. In this we cooperated with Nairi Medical Center, Maple Leafs Armenian Canadian clinic , Arpharmacy and Rodium LLC.

More than 500 people received necessary medicine and some of them consultation as well.

Through our Syrian Armenian doctor collogue (Dr. Tarakjian)  living in Armenia,  we received  multivitamins and some other medicine and distributed among patients and needy people freely.


5.Medical services for Artsakh Armenians and Armenians living at the borders .




  1. Dental services:

    107 procedures: filling 64, extraction 9, treatment 17, 11 teeth reconstruction in 15 services now but we still provide free services once a week.

  1. Public Radio interviews for medical advice, educational programs and online consultations.

ICMM has vision to reach people not only physically but also provide whole person care. We distribute Christian books during services as well to Kids who are waiting, soldiers and anyone who needs it. Thanks to God for our donors who stood and stand with us to reach the needy. We are longing to enlarge our services and reach more people as time is short. God bless you all for helping Armenia in this crisis time we are in need.

Dr. Syuzanna Voskanyan


Executive Director







ICMM dental mission

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ICMM ատամնաբուժական ծառայությունների վերսկսում

 Ատամնաբուժական ծառայությունները նախատեսված են կարիքավոր ընտանիքների, պատերազմի մասնակիցների, հաշմանդամություն ունեցողներ, բազմազավակ ընտանիքների, փախստականների համար։

Բուժման մեջ մտնում է՝  կարիեսով ատամների բուժում , դեպուլպացիա, ատամի լիցքավորում/պլոմբա։

Ծրագրից օգտվելու համար հարկավոր է զանգել մեր ատամնաբուժին՝ Բժ․ Վարդուհի Գրիգորյանին հետևյալ համարով՝  055096392

Պացինետները՝ 3տ մինչև 65տ կարող են սպասարկվել ICMM բժշկուհու կողմից։

ICMM կազմակերպության տնօրեն  Սյուզաննա Ոսկանյան

ICMM medical missions 2020

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ICMM Medical Services 2020

Dear ICMM partners, friends and followers,

2020 was a challenging year.  Spread of Corona virus, closed working places, loss of works, decrease of people income, numbers of deaths and diseases  followed one another.

ICMM got multivitamins and started to distribute among people and patient before and after virus spread.  We educated our patients how to prevent or in case of being sick how to combat Covid or how to escape from complications.



In spite of Corona spread, almost 7 months  ICMM continued dental services. This time we included  rehab center patients as well. Till the end of  August.



    From September 27- Nov. 9 Armenia and Artsakh  was attacked and because of that a lot of Artsakh people immigrated, a lot of people were injured and almost 10000 soldiers were wounded.

In those difficult  days we took care medical care of some  Artsakh people and wounded soldiers. I am attaching some of their pics.

Because of a lot of stress and fear Armenians of Artsakh with kids had immigrated to Yerevan until war finishes. So, we were able to take care of their medical needs not only with free consultations and treatment but also with medicine supply and  physical therapy.


We started to visit wounded soldiers in  hospitals and in soldier’s home and start rehabilitation and help with medical supplies.



Some of the pics I am not showing due to the situation regarding our soldiers.

ICMM also took care of poor families with back pain and other health issues, we paid for the clinic use, for some bought medicine and treated them. The Life of quality was improved.



Thanks a lot for the ones who stood with us , who prayed for Armenia and supported the neediest.


Dr. Syuzanna Voskanyan



ICMM weekly Dental Mission

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ICMM dental mission, reaching needy and  rehab patients with dental care

      We continue our weekly Dental services and trying to reach the neediest with medical care. Our dentist, Hripsime  treats our patients  wholeheartedly and professionally. 

Dr. Syuzanna Voskanyan

